CAGE Code 52494 of White Consolidated Industries Inc – Checkout NSN Parts

Welcome to our list of parts that have been produced under CAGE Code 52494, which is tied to the manufacturer White Consolidated Industries Inc. At the top of this page, you will find various information on this CAGE Code, such as the business address it is associated with, the type of business, and more. Meanwhile, popular part numbers like 148-198, R1117-6000KILOHMSPORM0.05PCT, 7001-15R00F, R343-481.3OHMSPO RM0.1PCT, 7007-1661OHMSPORM1PCT, and other various items from this CAGE Code are listed below with product descriptions and NSN listing data to make finding what you require simple. If you take interest in any components related to CAGE Code 52494 that we feature on this catalog, be sure to request a quote for your comparisons with the RFQ forms linked across our website.

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Address : 707 ROBINS ST. CONWAY, AR, 72034-6565 UNITED STATES
Status : F Type : A Woman Owned : N Business Type : N
Business Size : E Primary Business : J CAO Code : S4402A ADP Code : HQ0339
Manufacturer: White Consolidated Industries Inc

Part Numbers List for CAGE Code 52494

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Part Number Item Name NSN FSC RFQ
148-198 relay electromagnetic 5945-00-242-3440 5945 RFQ
R1117-6000KILOHMSPORM0.05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-901-7983 5905 RFQ
7001-15R00F resistor fixed wire wound 5905-00-013-9684 5905 RFQ
R343-481.3OHMSPO RM0.1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-020-9045 5905 RFQ
7007-1661OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-040-7907 5905 RFQ
7001-1R000F resistor fixed wire wound 5905-00-013-9668 5905 RFQ
T1C1200HMP0RM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound inductive 5905-00-007-4366 5905 RFQ
64A6A13-1146R7A21 resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-902-1857 5905 RFQ
7007-100000HMSP0RM-02PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-402-0996 5905 RFQ
R1116-4000KIL0HMSP0RM0.05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-901-4601 5905 RFQ
7006-10K0HMP0RM0-01PCT10PPM resistor fixed wire wound noninductive 5905-01-044-4380 5905 RFQ
8001-2200HMSP0RM5PCT resistor thermal 5905-00-350-1185 5905 RFQ
70401693A resistor fixed wire wound 5905-00-183-4177 5905 RFQ
LO5-0.05OHMPORM5PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-205-2774 5905 RFQ
7004-93100F resistor fixed wire wound noninductive 5905-00-167-1657 5905 RFQ
R389-200OHMSPORM5PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-405-8236 5905 RFQ
7007-7740OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-040-7883 5905 RFQ
R117-1290KILOHM SPORM0.05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-901-7381 5905 RFQ
7008-750OHMSPORM0.5PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-879-9715 5905 RFQ
T2B-79 680 1 PERCENT resistor fixed wire wound inductive 5905-01-087-8362 5905 RFQ
T2A750R0F resistor fixed wire wound inductive 5905-00-005-3396 5905 RFQ
7006-200OHMSPORM0-25PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-019-8859 5905 RFQ
70205002A resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-183-4175 5905 RFQ
TRN2AU6E8 resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-046-5274 5905 RFQ
AL10-7KOHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-146-1280 5905 RFQ
8001-1800HMSP0RM5PCT resistor thermal 5905-00-418-3079 5905 RFQ
T2CP0RM2PPM6340HM1PCT3W resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-144-2168 5905 RFQ
T5-2.5K 5 PERCENT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-259-4980 5905 RFQ
7005-34001B resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-032-1795 5905 RFQ
7007-731000HMPORM0-2PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-00-434-9631 5905 RFQ
7007-3-3K3PPMP0RM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-00-429-7555 5905 RFQ
7001-4R020F resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-021-0922 5905 RFQ
T2B79 10K 1 PERCENT resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-00-819-9272 5905 RFQ
7004-1R00B resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-025-8912 5905 RFQ
T2A45R3B resistor fixed wire wound inductive 5905-00-164-1273 5905 RFQ
7004-84500F resistor fixed wire wound noninductive 5905-00-166-3545 5905 RFQ
R1122-1-000KPORM0-05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-902-9947 5905 RFQ
R1116-45739KIL0HMSP0RM0.05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-901-2275 5905 RFQ
7007-1265OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-040-8688 5905 RFQ
T2B-79-2OHMPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-00-405-3734 5905 RFQ
T1-2 6191F resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-00-459-0291 5905 RFQ
7001-69R80F resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-020-9083 5905 RFQ
7006-174.1OHMSPORM0.05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-445-3078 5905 RFQ
R1104-63A6A1-78490B21 resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-901-7921 5905 RFQ
7006-1KOHMPORM0.5PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-00-434-9614 5905 RFQ
T2B79-0.0513F resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-260-7668 5905 RFQ
7007-12810HMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-042-1161 5905 RFQ
7001-8R200F resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-013-9677 5905 RFQ
4060-18KPORM-01PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-017-9644 5905 RFQ
F12-20OHMSPORM5PCT resistor fixed film 5905-01-199-7069 5905 RFQ
7001-10000F resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-020-9012 5905 RFQ
22-CCB-6-J switch rotary 5930-01-158-3436 5930 RFQ
T2B79-3.26 KOHM +-2P resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-00-913-6214 5905 RFQ
TYPE7007-200K1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-916-3395 5905 RFQ
7001-100R0F resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-021-0931 5905 RFQ
7006-986-30HMSPORM0-1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-022-1893 5905 RFQ
7007-4554OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-040-7903 5905 RFQ
TR-10-25KPORM3PCT resistor fixed wire wound inductive 5905-00-921-7838 5905 RFQ
T2CP0RM2PPM2150HM1PCT3W resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-144-2167 5905 RFQ
7007-548.5KOHMPORM0.1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-064-3957 5905 RFQ
R1274-15KP0RM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-007-8973 5905 RFQ
70207002X00010 resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-048-8709 5905 RFQ
R343-313.23KOHMSPORM0.1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-020-6390 5905 RFQ
NT5R47F resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-434-3752 5905 RFQ
L-01-28 delayline 5999-01-049-3519 5999 RFQ
7001-12R00F resistor fixed wire wound 5905-00-013-9681 5905 RFQ
T2B-79-20000JPORM20PPM resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-00-080-4615 5905 RFQ
TR-N-3-1K resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-158-1472 5905 RFQ
7001-8R060F resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-021-0925 5905 RFQ
7001-69R40F resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-020-9080 5905 RFQ
7005-24-9K0HMP0RM0-05PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-032-6091 5905 RFQ
7006-95K0HMP0RM0-01PCT10PPM resistor fixed wire wound noninductive 5905-01-044-4377 5905 RFQ
R1117-2051-2KILOMSPORM0-05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-901-7973 5905 RFQ
T-5-74R02OHMSPORM3PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-129-4417 5905 RFQ
7009ER-267KOHMPORM0.1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-250-8880 5905 RFQ
41-CCB-3-J switch rotary 5930-01-157-0598 5930 RFQ
7006-11-01KPORM0-05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-025-6871 5905 RFQ
L03-0.1OHMPORM3PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-243-6136 5905 RFQ
T3-1500HMP0RM0-5PCT resistor fixed wire wound inductive 5905-01-086-8490 5905 RFQ
7007-5934OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-042-1166 5905 RFQ
7001-1300OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-050-0315 5905 RFQ
7001-15000F resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-020-9022 5905 RFQ
ASK113-1 resistor network fixed wirewound 5905-00-890-8504 5905 RFQ
7009A96972BP0RM10 resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-494-5458 5905 RFQ
NR687 resistor network fixed wirewound 5905-00-761-0026 5905 RFQ
7007-1542OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-040-7890 5905 RFQ
7006-44.2KOHMSPORM0.5PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-017-4855 5905 RFQ
R343-19950OHMSPORM0.05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-021-0940 5905 RFQ
HT10-40OHMPORM1PCT-2PPM resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-161-3182 5905 RFQ
A5123-34-2 washer key 5310-01-199-9466 5310 RFQ
7007-1082OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-040-8685 5905 RFQ
R1122-900OHMSP0RM0-05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-901-5264 5905 RFQ
7006-16.8OHMPORM0.05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-064-5657 5905 RFQ
R1122-1.1765KPORM0.05PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-00-902-7994 5905 RFQ
T-2B-79-2700PORM3PCT resistor fixed wire wound 5905-01-189-9087 5905 RFQ
7050-8OHMPORM0-1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-101-4519 5905 RFQ
L23-16 delay line 5999-01-110-7263 5999 RFQ
7007-1635OHMSPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound nonind 5905-01-040-7893 5905 RFQ
AL10-05 resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-01-085-9837 5905 RFQ
AL10-1KDHMPORM1PCT resistor fixed wire wound induct 5905-00-325-9264 5905 RFQ

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